A bit about



Modern farming is about leveraging technonolgy to create innovative techniques and farming practices that helps farmers increase efficiency and reduce the amount of natural resources needed to meet the world’s food, fuel and fiber demands.

Hygrow primarily uses the below technology in its indoor vertical farm and greenhouse:


1.  Indoor Vertical Farms (NFT) Nutrient Film Technology:
Nutrient film technique (NFT) is a hydroponic technique where in a very
shallow stream of water containing all the dissolved nutrients required for
plant growth is re-circulated past the bare roots of plants in a watertight gully,
also known as channels. Here crops are grown completely indoor using LED
for the photosynthesis of plant leaves. Crops can be cultivated in stacks thus
utilising minimum space for optimum results throughout the year (up to 10


2. DWC – Deep Water Culture: A DWC system is typically comprised of a main
reservoir that hold the bulk of the nutrient solution. Floating rafts are placed on
water beds/troughs/trays like beds through which plant roots will grow. The
raft is a thermocol/polystyrene sheet with holes in which saplings are pushed
in. The crops are raised in climate controlled greenhouses & can produce
throughout the year.


3. Hydroponics – Passive Hydroponics does not use soil; instead, the root
system is supported using an inert medium such as perlite, rock wool, clay
pellets, peat moss, or vermiculite. The basis behind hydroponics is to allow
the plants roots to come in direct contact with the nutrient solution, while also
having access to oxygen, which is essential for proper growth. The crops are
raised in climate controlled greenhouses & can produce throughout the year.
All vegetable and berry crops could be cultivated by using this technique as
the plants are grown in Dutch buckets or foam pots or grow troughs or even in
grow bags/slabs. Here too water is re circulated thus saving 90% water.