Hygrow Tech: How we grow?

Hygrow Tech: How we grow?

A bit about Hygrow Technology Modern farming is about leveraging technonolgy to create innovative techniques and farming practices that helps farmers increase efficiency and reduce the amount of natural resources needed to meet the world’s food, fuel and fiber...
Is Hydroponic similar to GMO?

Is Hydroponic similar to GMO?

Does Hydropnic means genetalicallt modified? GMO or Genetically modified Organisms is  a plant, animal, microorganism or other organism whose genetic makeup has been modified in a laboratory using genetic engineering or transgenic technology. Often, people think that...
Hygrow Kale Chips

Hygrow Kale Chips

Healthy Kale Chips The healthiest chips you can every eat.  Made from farm fresh Hygrow Kale Servings 1 Ready In: 30 min Calories: 58 Good For: Snack About this Recipe Made by quickly tossing together three simple ingredients – fresh kale, olive oil, and flaked sea...
Hygrow Kale and Avocado Salad

Hygrow Kale and Avocado Salad

Healthy Kale Avocado Salad Simple and Healthy. Made from farm fresh Hygrow Kale Servings 8 Ready In: 15 min Calories: 190 Good For: Lunch About this Recipe Fatty, spicy, invigorating, and fresh, this dark green kale salad with avocado is a quick and healthy addition...
How Hygrow Is Reshaping Agriculture?

How Hygrow Is Reshaping Agriculture?

How is Hygrow Rewriting Agriculture In the UAE? Hygrow is unlike any other indoor farm. Not only do we truly grow vertically, rather than in horizontally-stacked trays, we’re developing technology that means our farms can be established anywhere in the world. This is...